jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Trivium Chapter 1 Discussion

We discussed The Trivium and started out by saying how far advanced we were in our reading. There were only about four people who had actually made it past page 50, and most of the rest were still in the second chapter (me included).

Since we hadn’t read a whole bunch, we discussed the first chapter, starting out with which one was the metaquestion of the first chapter. We never really found out which was the metaquestion, but I think we got kind of close. I personally think the metaquestion has something to do with liberal arts and with the Trivium, but some other people thought it had to do with how to live life and searching for the truth. People would read a bunch of passages in order to explain. When they mentioned that the Trivium was the way to the truth, I asked if the Trivium was the only was to the truth. I really didn't think my question was of great importance, but a few commentaries later Bert said he wanted to return to my question. After some debating and arguing, we concluded that the Trivium is the way to the truth, and by the Trivium we mean Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric (not the book). I still don't agree that we should call the seeking of the truth Trivium, but that is what everyone wanted so I understand their point of view. And YES, without Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric we cant really reach anything, because we wouldn't be able to communicate. 

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