martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Do NOT trust every source!

Since I work at a Mayan museum, I get really annoyed when people get things wrong about the Mayans, specially if something that has been published is wrong.

Reading Taming the Infinite, they mention that Mayans live in South America. Mayans do not live in South America, they live in Central America. South America has their own indigenous tribes, like the Inca.

Another mistake I notices was in a video about the Mayans from the History Channel. They had almost everything right, except for two things. The video called the Mayan Long Count, the Aztec Long Count. The Aztecs where from Mexico, not from Central America, and had nothing to do with the Mayans. The video also showed the Aztec calendar instead of the Mayan.

I know I should not get irritated with things like this since everyone, including me, makes mistakes.

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