jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Dylan Evans

We received a visit from Dylan Evans, the founder of Projection Point and the author of several books, in which he told us about his life.

He believes that we are doing a great job here at the MPC, and as he sees it, we are here to learn about learning. He also believes that to accomplish this, the Trivium is the best way to go. He thinks the Trivium is the best because it is the ideal of how one should think, but almost no one thinks that way.  He also thinks that we shouldn't restrict ourselves to reading the books of only one generation (our generation) because the probabilities of having a genius in that generation is so low, so we should also read the works of authors of other times. He believes that the disciplines (or how I understood it, the classes) give you tools to think, but then you can only think with those tools and wont be able to use other ones.

He recommended us two books to read that could go well with The Trivium: Hair Brain Tortoise Mind by Guy Claxton and Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.
He believes that Kahneman´s book in important because of the following:
When we are not rational, we are predictably irrational.

Here is some of the advice he gave us:
  • We should be lazy.
  • We should have a role model from history.
  • We should follow our curiosity.
  • If asked what we do, we answer… we think.
  • It is ok to have a PHD in ADHD.

I really enjoyed his visit and I thought it was rather insightful. He has some very interesting and different ideas about life and is not really afraid to do what he wants or to take risks. He could be a great influence on the MPC. We are actually going to start reading one of the books he recommended for two weeks from now. 

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