September 23, 2013
“There’s a road, a winding road that never
ends. Full of curves, lessons learned at every bend. Goin’s rough, unlike the
straight and narrow. It’s for those who go against the grain. Have no fear,
dare to dream of a change, live to the march of a different drummer.” “For the
road less traveled ain’t for the faint of heart, for those who choose to play
it say and never stray to far. Me, I want to live my life and one day leave my
mark. And it all might come together, and it all might come unraveled, on the
road less traveled.”
Today got me thinking of these
words. We found out that one of our classmates is thinking of leaving the MPC.
This got me a little sad, since if he does decide to leave, it wont be the
same. But at the end I believe that everyone should do what makes them happy.
And I know that sometimes following what you want is scary and tough, but at
the end it should be worth it. So this got me happy again, because I was
looking at my classmate as someone who wasn't afraid to try something new and
as someone who wasn't afraid to pursue his dreams. If he does decide to leave I
see it as a choice to follow the road less traveled.
The choice to follow that road is a
hard one and it probably isn’t going to be the easiest one, but at the end it
is for the better. This reminds me a little of Nicomachean Ethics where Aristotle mentions “for even the good
is better when it is harder”. In chapter 3 of book 2, I understood that
sometimes the easy way out of things is not the best one; so it is harder
achieve pleasure.
Well this is what I thought at the
beginning, when I found out of my classmates. But later today, after analyzing
it more I realized that the road I am on is also a road less traveled. I am
following something that not many people followed, I am a pioneer at the MPC. I
helped start a program with went against regular education, and I am still here
working hard. I went against ‘the grain’, I mean I could’ve remained
confortable in the business school, but I decided to take the windy road. And
it has been hard, but I am still here trying, and I am sure that I will leave
my mark. This is my version of my road less traveled.
So be it that you are following your
dreams or that you are following a new program, you are following the road less
traveled. And we usually don't know what the outcome is going to be; it is
actually impossible to know what the outcome will be. Everything might work out
or it might not, the important part is that you tried.
“I’ve chosen a pathway I may not endure. One
thing is for certain: nothing’s for sure.”
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