sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Cure for Anti-Motivation

October 14, 2013

I think that I haven’t any who hasn't had one of those days when they feel blue or they feel down, sometimes not even knowing the reason for that feeling. Well, since this last weekend I haven’t felt motivated to work or to think; well in general I haven’t felt motivated to do anything. And I am really starting to worry because this usually doesn't happen to me. I usually come enthusiastic to class and I really enjoy learning, I love reading our assignments and participating in the dialogues. But these last couple of days this just isn’t happening.

The worst part about it all is that I feel so ineffective and useless, and I know that it causes me no good to feel this way, but I still cant help it. I’m even feeling a bit hateful towards my classmates, which in turn only makes me feel worst about myself.
At the beginning I thought that maybe if I found something specific that was causing me to feel this way about everything and that if I solved it, I would be able to feel better and motivated again. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a cause for my feelings.
As a reflection for today, I have chosen to write my cure for this feeling so that it wont interrupt my learning (and if it is not an absolute cure, then at least they are some tips that will help me feel better) and so that in case it happens again in the future I know what to do.
So, what can you do if you are not motivated for class, for a dialogue or for reading?
  • ·      Try finding the problem or whatever is making you feel that way.
  • ·      Find a short article or something small to read that is of your interest.
  • ·      Give a couple of hugs.
  • ·      Ask questions in the dialogue in order to get interested.
  • ·      Write down all that you are feeling and thinking, kind of like a stream of consciousness.
  • ·      Watch a couple of short comic videos (Stand up comedy or any other funny video)
  • ·      Take a nap (maybe you are a bit tired).
  • ·      Do some exercise or jump around for a bit.
  • ·      Eat something (it is better if it contains a lot of sugar or if it is a chocolate or candy)

Hopefully in the future this wont happen again, but just in case it does I hope these tips will do me some good. And I will be able to get back on my feet quicker. 

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