September 24, 2013
Today in Andrew’s morning meeting we
had to answer the following questions: What reputation do you want the MPC and
the MPC graduates to have? What reputation do you want the MPC pioneers to
I started out by making a list of
all of the values or qualities that I think a MPC student should have, and then
as the day went on I went adding more qualities. Here is what I came up with:
· Responsible
· Doers
· People who have achieved great
· Cultured
· Virtuous
· Leaders
· Critical thinkers
· Life-long learners
· Enthusiastic
· Adaptive
· Passionate
· Know how to express themselves
· Know how to adapt
· Educated
· Explorers
· Determined
So, if someone hears about the
MPC I would like them to think of us as
that institution that revolutionized education in Guatemala and in the world.
As that program which everyone should join or at least have experienced, as
that place where you get to learn about the world. In which the people who
graduate from there are people who have or will achieve great things. And I would like the people who graduate from
the MPC to be known as people who are cultured, who are educated, who know many
things, are responsible and academically excellent; as people who have great
virtues or values, who are critical thinkers and life-long learners.
For the pioneers, I would like
people to think of us as being those who started this new kind of education; as
those who had the courage to start this amazing program. As those students who
were able to prove the excellency of the program and that it does work. I would
like people to think of us as those who went against the odds and came out
I really enjoyed this activity, and
I think it was a good idea to think about the reputation that we want to have
at the MPC, in order to start achieving that ideal that we want. So this is
where the last question of the activity came in: What am I doing now to make
this happen?
Well, honestly, right now I don't
feel like if I am even half way to achieving this ideal, so this means that I
have to work on achieving it. I guess what this means is that if I actually do
want to be known for the things I mentioned above it is up to me to start
acting that way in order to reach them.
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