martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Armando de la Torre #5

History was the first social science.
After it economy, anthropology, psychology and sociology were added.

Gilhelm Dilthey:
Before, everyone who wanted to do science had to know mathematics. Dilthey was the first one who claimed that history would be a science even if it did not have mathematics.

These sciences don't need mathematics because it is not as important to predict and it is not important to measure.
Not every science needs the same method in order to be called sciences.

At the beginning the social sciences were seen as probabilistic, while the rest of the sciences were seen as exact sciences.

In social sciences:
The efficient causes are not as important as the formal causes.
In the exact sciences:
the efficient causes are more important.

After the 1900 the conclusion was reached that the exact sciences are not exact, but are also probabilistic.

After all of this, Popper proved that  nothing is exact, and everything is an approximation.

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