martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Gödel, Escher, Bach #2

What is a formal system?

  • It does not have content, it only has symbols which are related to other symbols. 
  • You can fill in these symbols with whatever information you want (you play with them).
  • These symbols have to be coherent. 
  • All elements are defined and have rules to guide them (simplified representation of something with rules). 
  • Example: Chess. 
  • Each term has a specific meaning, you can´t interchange the meaning of terms. 


  • Something that can't be explained formally but explained pragmatically.
  • We have to experience it to know what it is. 
  • We have to start by practice and move on step by step until we reach a formal explanation. 
  • Its when we give a word a meaning (Ex: the word APPLE is associated with an actual apple; the number 1 represents a cuantity)

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