miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Halloween Morning Meeting

Todays morning meeting was ridiculously awesome. It was led by none other than me! And it was great. I spend a lot of time preparing for this morning meeting, running around from place to place. Heck, even my parents helped me with the morning meeting. I finally found the stuff I was looking for and was able to do my morning meeting correctly. Today being Halloween, I only found it appropriate to carve pumpkins, so that is what we did. I bought 5 pumpkins and all of the things to help us carve them. I divided every one into groups of 5 and we started carving them. My group was Alejo and Lorena. I really had a lot of fun, and I think our pumpkin ended up really nice. Actually, I think every pumpkin ended up nice. I was really frustrated at a time because there where a lot of people missing this morning, and I had planned for everyone to be here. That was a downer. 

We also had to come dressed as a character that is part of our curriculum; some came as nuns becasuse of Sister Miriam, one came as the  Trivium, another as a Tiger, we had a couple of Greeks, a Roman, Gene Kelly, Twain, Emerson, Bert and a Benjamin Franklin. I was Benjamin Franklin!

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Its almost Halloween.

Todays morning meeting was just awesome! Javier brought us things to decorate the classroom with for Halloween! I really thought that was cool! We had balloons, spider webs Halloween signs and much more. I took up the task of blowing up the balloons and of drawing faces on them so that they could look like a pumpkin. He later showed us a video about this lady who was sent to report one of the Halloween mazes. It was just hilarious. I think It is one of the funniest morning meetings we have had yet.


Free Cities Conference

We went to what was supposed to be a conference about free cities. The presenter was Miguel Lamas Pardo, and he was presenting his thesis. He was proposing that there should be an establishment of autonomous cities at sea in order to create new political and social systems.  He also proposed that in order to do this, there should be artificial platforms in the ocean and that those should be colonized. The requirements to built this were: commercial and economic, the technical part of the platform, legal and auto governments.

I thought the conference was very interesting, since it was presenting an idea that I had never really heard before; it was new and innovating. There were a couple of things I did not like about the presentation. The first thing I didn't like is that I wanted to hear the economic side of the free cities, not really the technical side. Most of what he talked about was only the platforms and different ways of building platforms. The other thing I didn't like was the presenter, I thought he didn't really know how to present and I was bored about half was through. 


We all got together and started listing all of the resources that the university has that we can use. We came up with a big list, and I actually found somethings out that I didn't even know existed! It made me realize that I never use any of these resources, except for the organization for the arts and the museum Popol Vuj.

We later brainstrormed the ideas that each goup had come up with. Unfortunately, I wasn't here for this because I had to go to the museum to take the annual picture of the volunteers. 

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012


In todays morning meeting Grace presented us some videos about dance. She wanted us to see what her passion was like. The first video she showed us was about dance and how it changes or affects people’s lives. I found it interesting, but I was mostly amazed at the dance moves of that video. The next video she showed us was of one of her favorite performances. It was about a group of around 10 women. It was not really my kind of dance, but I found it different. What I liked the most was the effects of that dance. Grace showed us this video to show us how sometimes you need the whole group in order to perform and how you depend on one another. She later showed us a video of a dance se choreographed, a video of a dance she is learning and a video of one of her performances. The video I liked the most has to be the first video and the last one (the one of her performance). She is really talented.