miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Meta-Dialogue: apr 4

Different perspectives affect how we see everything.
  • The Fire in the Equations dialogue (between Majo and Bert)
  • Big Bang 
  • Copernican Revolution
  • Difficult conversations ch.2
  • GEB (maps)

To improve in this, we must try to understand other people. But we must expect things to just work like this either. It is a process of trial and error. (like the process with which we made our rubrics).

Why is it that one day we are influenced by something, and the next day by something else? Are we really that affected by our humor, the way we receive the message and the way in which the message is given? 
But really, they are biases in ourselves:
  • difficult conversations (conversation between Eng-an and her husband)
  • Khaneman's beauty.
  • Subjective reasons
  • Kitty Ferguson's beauty

At the end the influence of accepting something or not accepting it comes from ourselves. 

To improve in this, we have to suspend assumptions. 

This leads us to the following:
why is it that sometimes we know we have a bias and we still use it?

The power of the mind:
All of the time I am looking at everything through my mind. We have memories of our past and we have assumptions of our future. 
We don't just live in one dimension and time, we live in many (inside our heads) and this affects our decisions. 
Sometimes we don't realize things like assumptions, social problems, etc, because we would need to pop-out of the system. 

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