viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

Thinking Fast & Slow 9-10

Today was Dylan´s last day of the year with us, but nonetheless we had a great dialogue.
Dylan opened the dialogue by asking us how fast do we think fast is and how slow do we think slow is. We all agreed that fast is about one tenth of a second and slow is minutes.  He later explained to us that there is another part of the brain that takes longer than a few minutes; it is in our conscious, in the back of our heads.

Out of this dialogue I learned the following:

  • Sustaining doubt is harder that reaching certainty. There are a lot of people who don’t like uncertainty and get really agitated when they don’t have an answer to something, and they will get it at any cost, even if they are not 100% sure of it. There are also another group of people (way smaller) that are the other way around, they don’t like reaching certainty and like to ponder a lot.
  • Patterns: system 1 recognizes patters everywhere, on order to try to make sense out of things. There are two types of error that we commit: the mistake of seeing patterns, and the mistake of not seeing patterns. Most of the time our brain recognizes more full positive, meaning that we see more patterns than there are.
  • Luck is pure randomness. The is no correlation. 

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