that Euthyphro gives about piety:
- To do what I am doing now (Euthyphro), prosecuting the wrong.
- What is dear to the gods is pious and what is not is impious.
- The pious is what all the gods love, and the opposite, what the gods hate is the impious.
- The godly and the pious is the part of the just that is concerned with the care of the gods.
- Pious is knowledge of how to sacrifice and pray.
- What is dear to the gods. (it goes back to the second one)
These are
some of the ideas that we discussed:
- Gods are like a universal moral standard (what is good and what is bad). Universal moral standard as an objective view on what is good and what is bad, or as an institution and the rules that they consider good or bad.
- This relates to our rules of ethics at the MPC, this is what we are aiming at in this program. The aim is not the right, but those who don’t have an action to do wrong. Our values won’t let us choose wrong. We strive to get to the point at which we don’t even think about things, we don’t even choose, being good is already a part of us, an authentic part of us. Just like Euthyphro said at the beginning “pious is to do what I am doing now”.
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